Career Advice, Digital Marketing, Business Organization and WSI Franchise Opportunities

3 Tactics to Get More Business Leads

Written by Daniel Lattanzio | May 27, 2016 7:13:45 PM

If you’re a new business owner, finding consistent leads can be difficult. Nonetheless, it's important that you constantly seek new customers and prospects for your business to grow effectively.

The health of your business relies on your business revenue and client database. A business that does not actively seek new clients may face roadblocks and they often rely on business from their existing customer base. Not only is this bad for your business cash flow, you cannot guarantee your previous customers will return. Finding leads takes time, and you may not always close a deal with all your leads. However, partaking in lead generation tactics is essential to interest your audience and convert these prospects into clients.

The value of constantly seeking prospects is that the more you advertise and market your business the more people will know about you. Those who’ve seen your business may refer a friend or family member, which can snowball into a consistent flow of business referrals. Actively partaking in ways to find more leads is the lifeline of your business, if you’re interested in learning more about finding leads here are three tactics WSI consultants use to generate more leads.  

1. Network

Networking can be a very valuable source for lead generation, and it's also an activity which most participants enjoy. Networking allows you to promote yourself, exchange of ideas, establishes new relationships, and create new business opportunities. One great way to network effectively is to attend industry trade shows and seminars, here you’ll find  large numbers of your colleagues and individuals interested in your expertise. If you’re hoping to network in a casual setting, consider finding local events using Eventbrite or Meetup, these are great communities to meet and share your skills with like-minded individuals.

2. Client Presentations 
Hosting a client presentations will have a tremendous impact on your attendants. Client presentations provide you the opportunity to pitch your business and at the same time educate and build relationships with your clients. WSI digital marketing consultants often host these presentations because of their win-win-win benefit for all parties involved, the presenter is able to advertise their business and the participants will walk away learning something new. While it’s ideal that you hold these client presentations in person, online presentations, also known as webinars, will also work. Presenting your ideas in front of a group, you tacitly positions you as an industry leader, and you also establishing mutually helpful and productive relationships.

3. Professional organizations
Wouldn't it be great if there were an organization which focused entirely on word-of-mouth lead generation, referrals, and networking among professionals? Well, there is, and it's called Business Network International (BNI).  With nearly 7,000 local chapters around the world, BNI exists for the sole purpose of making connections and generating business leads.  


As a business owner you should actively be engaged in finding generation as often as you can. For the reason that fresh leads allow new business opportunities arise. Any business owner who truly seeks growth or expansion should recognize that this goal can only come from a steadily increasing customer base.

While these are the three reliable techniques for leads generation, they do take a lot of energy and effort to execute. Once your business is more establish consider seeking new leads from other online methods to help you save time and energy. If you're a new business consultant and interested in learning how WSI business consultants find leads, watch the video below to learn how WSI consultants find business leads.