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12 Things You Can Do Every Day to Be a Sales Success

Written by Trinda Tresham | Apr 7, 2017 6:33:20 PM

The world of sales is all about communicating with people, but it takes time, patience, practice, and the ability to listen and adapt. Especially for an entrepreneur, sales can be the lifeblood of business, and learning to sell effectively is integral to your success. To help you out with this process, here are 12 things you can do daily to be successful with your sales.

1. Know Your Customers

The number one weapon you have in your sales arsenal is knowledge about the person you're selling to. If you know your customers, then you know their wants and needs, and exactly how your product or service can help them.

2. Be Able to Anticipate

Needs Solid knowledge about sales prospects helps you anticipate when and how they’ll be able to use your products or services. That way, you aren't just selling something, you're providing solutions at the precise time they are needed.

3. Know Your Products

It’s vital that you know your own products or services inside and out so you can become a trusted partner, answer questions, and solve problems with what you're selling.

4. Qualify Leads Before Trying to Sell to Someone

Qualifying a lead before making the sales call is all about finding out if a prospective client is even remotely interested in what you have to sell, and you can save yourself plenty of time—and rejection—by doing it. Modern digital marketing does a great job of qualifying prospects for you.

5. Listen to Your Customers

The sales process is not about you. It’s about the customers and how your product or service can meet their needs, but you have to listen to figure out how you can help.

6. Be Honest and Direct During Sales

Calls Each time you make a sales or follow-up call, start by laying out the reason for your call. Confused customers won’t really be listening to your pitch.

7. Ask Questions

One of the best ways to build a rapport with sales prospects and learn about their needs is to ask questions. Ask about their goals, their projects, and the things that matter to them.

8. Persistence Pays Off

The only way to stay on top of your sales game is to refuse to give up. Don’t let the last angry customer or the last “no” deter you from continuing on with your sales process. And especially don’t let a prospective client’s hesitation stop you from following up in a few days.

6. Follow Up

This includes with prospects, first-time customers, and loyal, long-term clients. The follow-up serves as a reminder, but it’s also an indication that you care about the relationship. Don’t have time to chat? Make calls before 8 a.m. so you can leave quick and easy voicemails, or send emails if that’s your preferred method of communication.

7. Manage Your Time

Wisely Create a schedule that includes all your daily, weekly, and long-term tasks. It’s a great way to ensure you stay on top of everything.

8. Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Start each day by making daily goals for yourself, because it’s the best way to track your success. Similarly, start the first day of each week by setting up your weekly goals, and the first day of each month by planning longer-term goals.

9. Track Your Progress

At the end of each day, week, and month check in with yourself to go over your progress, your success, and your failures to see where things are working and where improvements are needed.

Small business sales are essential to the success of most businesses, but sales is a tough game to play. If you're looking for ways to achieve more sales success, try implementing these 12 tips into your daily routine.

And if you are indeed looking at setting out on your own path with a franchise opportunity do contact us!